OBDF 310: Parametric Furniture: Week 2
I have to say I'm pretty happy with how this project has ended up turning out, I didn't achieve every single thing I wanted, but it's basically all there, all of my high-concept ideas were met, just a few details I wanted that I couldn't quite make happen
To start with, I enhanced the definition of the body of the piece compared to last week, to give it greater variability in form
This is my own great disappointment, I had wanted stylized legs that would array around the based of the object using the vector definition- but for the life of me I could not figure it out, alas. Fortunately, this was pretty secondary, so it's not a massive loss, hopefully I'll figure out that tool eventually
Here's one arm of the candelabrum, bits of it are obviously very inelegant because I forgot some of my commands, but it is very functional, essentially I generate an 'L' shaped line on it's die on the X and Z axis, and then divide that line into points, randomize those points, and interpolate the resulting points together, and pipe the whole thing together.
Like I said, it's not supremely elegant, but it does what I want it to, and I got very good results from it, so I won't complain too much, kludge is better than failure.
An important concession to sanity: join everything together at the end, and simply bake this single piece, saves a lot of trouble compared to trying to clean and join together all of the pieces if baked individually
And here's those sweet sweet renders (tragically in Rhino 5 as I'm using a school computer rather than my own copy of Rhino 6). I'm very pleased with the sheer variety of designs that can be very quickly generated using this function, there's a lot of exposed variables so it can take a little tinkering, but this is exactly what allows me to generate many different designs. As for 3d printing, I'm going to print the object in 3D, and use birthday candles as my second material, to create a functional, if small candelabrum. I haven't determined the exact size of the final piece, but I simply need to scale the object around the birthday candle, and the limits of the printing bed, all of those very exposed variables will make this quite easy to do fortunately, and I look forward to creating an actually functional object out of this.
This is outstanding, Luke.