OBDF 310: Parametric Furniture: Week 2
I have to say I'm pretty happy with how this project has ended up turning out, I didn't achieve every single thing I wanted, but it's basically all there, all of my high-concept ideas were met, just a few details I wanted that I couldn't quite make happen To start with, I enhanced the definition of the body of the piece compared to last week, to give it greater variability in form This is my own great disappointment, I had wanted stylized legs that would array around the based of the object using the vector definition- but for the life of me I could not figure it out, alas. Fortunately, this was pretty secondary, so it's not a massive loss, hopefully I'll figure out that tool eventually Here's the actual candle holders, simple cups, initially it was a piece of geometry in rhino that I was using as a brep, but I later switched to a parametric tool as well, this will make it easier to have the object actually be functional, it's ge...