
Showing posts from February, 2019

OBDF 310: Parametric Furniture: Week 2

I have to say I'm pretty happy with how this project has ended up turning out, I didn't achieve every single thing I wanted, but it's basically all there, all of my high-concept ideas were met, just a few details I wanted that I couldn't quite make happen To start with, I enhanced the definition of the body of the piece compared to last week, to give it greater variability in form This is my own great disappointment, I had wanted stylized legs that would array around the based of the object using the vector definition- but for the life of me I could not figure it out, alas. Fortunately, this was pretty secondary, so it's not a massive loss, hopefully I'll figure out that tool eventually  Here's the actual candle holders, simple cups, initially it was a piece of geometry in rhino that I was using as a brep, but I later switched to a parametric tool as well, this will make it easier to have the object actually be functional, it's ge...

OBDF 310: Parametric Furniture: Week 1

I'll preface by saying this week was less productive than it should have been so I'll have some catching to up to do over reading week unfortunately, but that's the way it goes. I was initially going to make the main body of the candelabrum as a piece of geometry in Rhino, but I decided I could have a much greater variety objects if I parameterize that as well. So that's what I focused on I didn't like the initial results at all, it didn't look very good lofted as one object so I experimented a bit the surface from points definition, but for the life of me I couldn't actually figure out how it worked in the context of this tool. Eventually I decided on something much simpler, but it's nice and clean and the definition should be easy to expand into more ornamental elements As you can see there's still a ton to do, something important that I cannot figure out for the life of me, is how to make the arms of the candelabrum always bend upwa...

OBDF 310: parametric furniture concept

Thumbnails and concepts are always very fun to me, it's all the pleasure of having good ideas, with none of the actual effort needed to see it though. I didn't worry so much about achievability, but I did try to focus on ideas that could be heavily patameterized to have dramatic effects on the sillouhette of the object, not just a few ornamental elements. I liked the aesthetics of number 10, but couldn't quite decide how to apply it to furniture, the rest aren't very exciting, though 11 has potential, objects made out of a single tube, makes me thinks old windows screensavers. though I didn't end up using it, number 12 was a close second, A table with it's surface made of overlapping 'branches' would have looked very cool, but I felt it didn't quite meet the criteria of being able to have it's sillouhette dramatically altered. these ones are pretty much bunk, I had felt that I already found what I wanted but decided to push a l...