
Showing posts from January, 2019

OBDF 310: Plotter Drawing

To begin with on this project, I significantly revised my initial definition, I removed the elements of extrusion, as I wanted flat geometric designs for the drawings, I also made the remaining elements far more elegant, I particularly thought the rotations on the arrays is much better and more user friendly now, maybe there's an even better solution, but this was a significant improvement. Nothing to fancy or ambitious here I will admit, but I feel more confident in it's functionality and my understanding of it's elements The original version is shown above, and my improved definition below Here's 3 designs I decided to use, as they appeared in Rhino, soon to be drawn by a robot, I think the final one is particularly successful, it's quite dynamic, and looks like a top-down view of a pyramidal structure to me. I unfortunately ran in to some big problems that delayed my printing, the first is entirely on me, I ac...

OBDF 310: Parametric Line Drawings

 I wasn't quite sure where to go with this project so I decided to create  something fairly straightforward, a nested array of objects. I created an initial array of rectangles, and then set the resultant array on a polar array, and then arrayed those  arrays on a grid. The result allows variable range of surfaces, but is also very fiddly and prone to odd behavior.  I then decided to extrude those objects in a random range, however I find the behavior of the random function extremely odd, and don't think I fully understand it's behavior, the importance of the range versus number of seeds for example, or why it seems to break down at larger values, this is something I need to figure out before I use it much more, as the random functions as used in this definition are mostly random guesswork that led to a functional result Here's the final definition, not many complexities going on here, I'm not taking to Grasshopper as readily as Rhino but it is st...

OBDF 310: First Definition

This first mini project went quite straightforwardly, I followed along relatively closely for the duration of the tutorial but experimented with the values and tools as I went, I didn't stray to far from home for the most part as Grasshopper doesn't come quite as naturally as Rhino, and there's a lot of pieces to remember. I'm trying to get into the habit of documenting what at least some of these nodes do in my definition by renaming them right off the bat, I've always been terrible at the sort of thing and it frequently causes me headaches when I have to hunt down a photoshop file named ASADASDfinal2 or whatever random name I pick out of a hat. Still though, the use of visual scripting made this learning process a lot easier for me than it otherwise might have been, I've dabbled in it before with other tools, and find it has a lot of clarity, and I didn't have any confusion over the basics, though I am sure much will arise later on.  T...