3D Printed Ring

This project was fairly straightforward and a much needed break from the tyranny of the soldering clamp

For me, the early iterative process of any problem is probably the most interesting while my sketches tend to be rough, I tend to pretty thoroughly lay out ideas I think would be interesting, and try to have a mix of feasible concepts, as well as totally off the wall ones, such as the working pepper mill ring. The great part about putting crazy ideas to paper is that sometimes they lead to other good ones, that didn't happen this time but oh well. There's also a random doodle there because I got bored

Ultimately I decided upon the lego ring, sword ring, and cylinder ring

To design this, I laid out the basics in 2D, but compared to previous projects I did a lot of the shaping
in 3D; I wasn't 100% sure exactly how I wanted all the pieces to look and be proportioned, so I found the experimenting directly with 3D tools let me get more immediate results, that's not always an advisable course but I found it quite effective in this instance. Something I'm particularly happy with is the sword handle, which was made pretty simply by using the pipe tool on a spiral, and using gumball to squash it around an elliptical tube, very simple to do, but it took me playing around with quite a few ideas to get a result that I liked.

It was agreed in my group that the sword ring was the most interesting, and that the biggest concern was just making sure none of the small pieces were at risk of breaking, there was some potential issues with comfort but I had no intention of actually wearing this ring so I disregarded those problems

The design has some warnings about thickness, but nothing that made the ring unprintable. I don't particularily care to print the ring but if I did I'd simply scale up all the pieces with warnings, as by nature of the rings concept, all the potentially problematic pieces were made seperately, and can simply be scaled up without presenting any problems for the overall design

The sword turned out cool as hell, I'm a little iffy on the other elements, and they could probably have used some further development to really pop, but this was not a supremely ambitious project, and overall I am happy with the end result


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