
Showing posts from November, 2018

3D Printed Ring

This project was fairly straightforward and a much needed break from the tyranny of the soldering clamp For me, the early iterative process of any problem is probably the most interesting while my sketches tend to be rough, I tend to pretty thoroughly lay out ideas I think would be interesting, and try to have a mix of feasible concepts, as well as totally off the wall ones, such as the working pepper mill ring. The great part about putting crazy ideas to paper is that sometimes they lead to other good ones, that didn't happen this time but oh well. There's also a random doodle there because I got bored Ultimately I decided upon the lego ring, sword ring, and cylinder ring To design this, I laid out the basics in 2D, but compared to previous projects I did a lot of the shaping in 3D; I wasn't 100% sure exactly how I wanted all the pieces to look and be proportioned, so I found the experimenting directly with 3D tools let me get more immediate results, that's ...

Reverse Engineered Object: Render

Finally finished with this project, there's still areas I would have like to polish more, but the clock is up so here we are. Overall I'm happy with how this came out, every problem that I didn't quite have time to resolve is a problem I'm absolutely confident I could fix with everything I have learned so far, which I think is a good place to be in terms of having unresolved little issues. Now, on to the renders, this particular object doesn't have a whole lot to take apart, however it is quite dynamic and changeable, so for each render I manually re-arranged the parts to get different looks and to try to make something as plain as a soldering third hand fun to look at it, hopefully I've succeeded in that to one extent or another. This object also turned out to be a fortunate pick in that exactly the textures I wanted for it were already loaded up.