PROJECT 2: 2D Surface Design
(apologies for the poor photo quality) Initially I had no idea what to look for in terms of inspiration for this project, but then I remembered my mom owns a bunch of weird decorative nonsense so I scoped that out to find some inspiration. The first piece is a sort of decorative cage thing that frankly I have no idea what it's for, while flowery, I found it also had a sort of 'solar' quality, particularly in the light, that was a seed of the ornamental design I eventually came up with. The second is from a table cloth, I liked the radial forms, which I drew from but tempered with the simple shapes and the colour-on-black of the third, which is from a blanket. Initially I had a few broad concepts in mind (solar, geometric, radial, colour) , drawn from the sources that inspired me, but had no end goal in mind, in contrast to the previous project, where I knew what I wanted from minute one. in lieu of a concrete concept, I goofed around with colour...